Sorry if the “Wine” info” has been a bit lacking as of late but right now we are heavy into our spring planting sorta stuff if Chaa’ know what I mean down on the farm. Yes we are an Ohio Winery and we are working on the grape vines, but right now we have some of the other stuff that makes our Agri-Tourism destination special needing tons of attention!
I was headed up to have a meeting with my new “Maze Master” yesterday (Tell you all about our way cool corn maze later) when I spotted my father-in-law Kay planting Onions so I mashed the breaks on my big ole’ F-350 Super Duty, swung her around like a fine, nimble sports car (well not really) but anyhow I got back and took a few pics and shot another short video. Let me know if you like these little snippets of our spring work on the farm. I try and keep them pretty simple=(boreing?) but I know bunches of folks don’t know what we do on the farm or how we do it so I am throwing it out there. I know one thing people love to come visit us and taste our wines and eat our food entrees’ so these blog posts and videos are the story behind them.
We are a working farm, a muscular agricultural-tourism destination, we are not a reality show but rather actuallity. We do what we do to keep the farm in the family, provide income for ourselves, and enjoy what we think is a way cool way of life. I really don’t make this stuff up. I know all over the web there are tons of people doing stupid stuff just to get on youtube or digg and re-work data to tweet, etc. All I am doing is giving you our story, and when I have time Mamm, the facts, just the facts!