1952 Ford F5 Almost ready for the 2009 Season
1952 Ford F5 Almost ready for the 2009 Season

Going to Farmers’ Markets is NOT easy. It is a ton of work and takes a great deal of labor. It takes years to get established and the overhead can kill you if you really figure out ALL your costs. We farm for a living, we don’t live to farm.

Yes it is a way of life for us and I would not trade it for the world but you are fooling yourself if you don’t look at it as a business. There is an old saying how do you make a million dollars farming? Start with two million!!

So as I have said before I like to find old stuff and fix it. Cars and Trucks in particular so to help make the whole farmers’ market thing more fun for us and the customers we plan on using trucks like this one. Plus those little pop up tents and umbrellas look so “flea market” tacky. It’s so much better to look like a circus clown!! That’s just how I roll.

So like the country song says stop by for “Some Good Directions… and Turnip Greens”!!

Follow the links on the side of the page under Farmers’ Markets to find us this summer!

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